
New Town, New Studio by Daniella Trask

2015 has been a big year for Ian: big projects, big shows, and large undertakings. As fall is wrapping up, 2015 will now include a big life-shift: a move from Brooklyn, NY to Brunswick, Maine.

Ian moved to Brooklyn in 2009 armed with a passion for creating art and looking to find a place for himself in the New York scene. Over the next eight years he did just that. And in the process New York became home and those in it became family.

And now the next chapter is in Brunswick, Maine where he now has more than tripled the studio space he had in New York. And while his studio and art making is no longer based in Brooklyn, his ties to his New York family continue to be strong and he will continue to participate in shows in and around NYC.

Maine is beautiful. Come for the scenery, the pace of life, the lobsters, and the foliage. And you all have an open invitation to come visit the new studio space in Fort Andross any time (Suite 0104B, 14 Maine Street in Brunswick, ME). Email us at to schedule a studio tour!